Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Edit For Sarah!

Helloooooo! XD I'm just here to show you all a 'beautiful' edit I made for Sarah. It's kind of like that time when I made an edit of my main look but on a real life person.

Here you go, Sarah! XD Sorry it took FOREVER! :P

Eeeek, its bad. Oh well! Enjoy! XDDD


  1. That is AWESOME! How do you edit like that o.o I'm super bad at editing XD BUT THAT IS AMAZINGGGGGGGG

    Btw, it doesn't matter AT ALL but my hair is a little ligher ;)

    1. Thank you!!! Its REALLY not that greatly edited... XD But I love editing so maybe I'll get better. :P

      I know! But this model was perfect cuz she's wearing blue, like your blanket on AJ, and she has brown hair. Sorry!!

  2. This is beautiful. Kinda makes me want to do an edit now XD

    1. Hehe, thanks, Cat! You totally should edit. ^.^

  3. Wow it's been awhile since we've talked O.O

  4. Read my newest post to find out :)

  5. U must get today's RIM :O :O

    Remember, God made YOU!

    1. Already did! XD I got three of them! ^.^


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