Sunday, 31 July 2016

Summer Fashion Contest Day #4 - Double Elimination

Heyo!! :D
It is day four already! Wowie!

Sniffle, bye Admiral Vonscurvy! You did amazing, bro! There will be another fashion contest soon, don't worry. :)

Alright, now to change things up! DOUBLE ELIMINATION! Vote for two people in the comments OR send me a Jam-A-Gram on AJ!

Have an amazing Sunday!! ^.^
Jam on!


  1. leaping berryhero= cuddly6342 MYSELF

    1. Sorry, but you need to vote two people out. :)

    2. Okay then victory theotter and leaping berryhero

  2. Countess Prettyflower and Mythical Happyspirit. Sorry if those were your animals!

  3. Flora SpiritMoon and Mythical HappySpirit


AJJ's Commenting Rules:
1. Don't bully or gossip about others!
2. Don't cuss! This is a kid friendly blog and seriously, swearing is just showing your lack of vocabulary.
3. No commenting inappropriate content, please! Again, this is an AJ blog, meaning that it's kid friendly.
4. Don't comment weird links!
5. Please do not advertise your blog, UNLESS its just a small note at the end of a real comment or something!
6. If you are commenting under anonymous, I would really appreciate you leaving your AJ user or something!
7. Enjoy yourself here! <3 I love meeting new people so don't feel shy, go ahead and leave a comment!