Sunday, 8 October 2017

Back To School Fashion Show Day #5 - One Elimination

Howdy partners, Lost here is back with another voting session for the back to school fashion show, y'all!


Okay, fine, I'll stop being western. *throws cowboy hat away* Bye, hat! I'll missssss you! (XD)

Well, thanks again to everyone who voted on the yesterday! And since yesterday was a double elimination, there's two more people out!

Muddy and King, you did so good! And I love fashion shows so there's always going to be another one in the future. ^.^

Alright, today, vote out one person by commenting on this post or JAGing me on AJ! And no extra accounts, as you all know. ;)

Good luck to the five remaining!

Jam on!


  1. Hmmmmm who to vote out today... I guess I’ll go with mythical snowytulip

  2. I'm still there? :O Wow!

    I'm gonna vote out Lucky Desertpaws. I'm really sorry! :(


  3. I vote out Princess Alien Stars! So sorry


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1. Don't bully or gossip about others!
2. Don't cuss! This is a kid friendly blog and seriously, swearing is just showing your lack of vocabulary.
3. No commenting inappropriate content, please! Again, this is an AJ blog, meaning that it's kid friendly.
4. Don't comment weird links!
5. Please do not advertise your blog, UNLESS its just a small note at the end of a real comment or something!
6. If you are commenting under anonymous, I would really appreciate you leaving your AJ user or something!
7. Enjoy yourself here! <3 I love meeting new people so don't feel shy, go ahead and leave a comment!