Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Summer Fashion Contest Results!

Hola, Jammers! ^.^

The summer fashion contest voting is now over, so the it's time for the winner to be announced! So exciting!

And the winner is...

Countess Prettyflower!!

Congrats, fluffykittenlover17! This means you win these prizes:

The prizes will be in your Jam-A-Gram mailbox sometime soon. :)

Thank you, everyone who entered. This was my first fashion contest and I say it went pretty smoothly. I love doing them, so you should expect another soonish!

Totally off topic but, I am going to the beach in, like, less than an hour! ^-^ I am super pumped because I love swimming and I haven't gone to the beach since last summer. I might take some beach pictures but I dunno. :)

I just hope it doesn't rain... XD (It's forty percent chance in the afternoon! Ahh!)

Well, I hope you all have a splendid day. And try to go out in the sun, it's fun! (Ha, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it. Sorry, I'm hyper. XD)

Jam on!


  1. Congrats to the winners and the Beach sounds so fun! I remember once we wen too Florida and it rained out! Rain + RollerCoaster rides with Water = MESS

    1. Yes! The beach was tons of fun! ^.^ And oh dear! That doesn't sound good! XD

  2. Replies
    1. :o Really? I mean, where I am, there isn't any, like, oceans to swim in. XD Just lakes.

    2. XS I'm in Michigain and its Lake-Topia

  3. Haha, that's funny! I just came back from the beach!


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