Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Rare Item Monday

Hey Jammers! I totally forgot yesterday's RIM post!! :P Here is the rare.

An adorable Rare Raccoon Hat! And yay! It was non-member! :D This rare was sold in Epic Wonders for, I think, 3,500 gems. But I am not for certain. Wait a second... The last rare item was sold in Epic Wonders as well! Interesting. Like most rares, the rare is a turquoise and purple. But the colors work on the hat nicely!

Well, sorry for the short post. I will post later this week. Probably on the weekend. :)

Have an amazing day!

Jam on, don't scam on, Jammers!


  1. Replies
    1. I do too! :D It is wonderful and I am so glad non-members and members can enjoy it! :D


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